Felicity Footloose lives in the 80’s and just wants to dance!
Watch as she juggles, dances and performs daredevil acrobatics to try and impress her hero, Johnny.
She’ll even go as far as to hang from her toes and juggle knives whilst upside down.
This is a fun 35 minute street show wrapped up in a comedy package and set to a fabulous 80’s sound track


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The Felicity Footloose Show

by Felicity Footloose Show

Performance Styles

  • Street Shows

Act Info

  • Historically Themed Act

“We have worked with Natasha for over ten years and I highly recommend her as a responsible, high skilled, extremely talented lady. Her work is always original. When we’ve booked her on jobs she’s always been the talk of the town.”

— Susanna Boughtflower, Director of Bassline Circus

“Tash is engaging, energetic, professional and amazingly talented! Can’t wait to work with you again.”

— Dave Evans, director of Laughter House Entertainment