An extraordinary puppet based walkabout from The Flying Buttresses. Meet Hodman Dodmanott and his beautiful wife Sally Forth. This memorable couple amble merrily through the crowds bringing laughter and joy wherever they go. Enjoy their hilarious attempts at Christmas shopping and carol singing (although singing may not be quite the right word!).

These are ‘skin’ or ‘pod’ puppets where the operator is totally concealed within the costume to create a stunning illusion normally only seen in the motion picture industry. Unique.

Can also be joined by their affluent in-laws, Cash and Carrie Moore. 


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Hodman Dodmanott and Sally Forth at Christmas

by Flying Buttresses

Performance Styles

  • Christmas

Act Info

  • Historically Themed Act

‘The best walkabout costumes I’ve ever seen.’

— Jules, Continental Drifts

A quality act from start to goodbyes. They enthralled both shoppers and traders at Fleetwood Market with their quick wit and interaction, superbly clever puppetry and meticulously detailed dress.

— Chris Wyatt, Arts and Events Development Officer Wyre Council