Slinkies are on the move!
BIG MOB Is a majestic slinkie walkabout featuring 2,3 or 4 slinkies. During a period of 30 minutes, 4 to 5 different mini street shows pop up fusing highly choreographed performance art and bewitching and often hilarious audience interactions. This captivating roving performance has become both a festival and corporate staple all over the world and combining bursts of comic energy with gentle fun audience participation.


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Big Mob

by Bedlam Oz

Performance Styles

  • Walkabouts

The Slinkies were terrific, and just what I’d hoped for, an adaptable and delightful act, very friendly, cooperative and responsive to the opportunities and needs of the occasion as they unfolded, both child and adult friendly as hoped an , for us, reassuring and good fun to have around. They could not have been better, or nicer and contributed enormously to the success of the afternoon.

— Claudine Spiteri, Livestock Productions

We would like to say a big THANK YOU to the Big Mob performers for helping to make the Festival the best ever. We saw around 3,500 people come and enjoy the music, stalls, theatre, food and of course the Slinkies act which was a massive hit!

— Farsley Festival Team