Check out our two cashiers, with their scanners, price guns and lovely portable ‘muzak’ accompaniment.

They are well and truly ready to mark you up. Perfectly presented in bright pink overalls, this priceless pair take a fun-filled look at all aspects of shopping life. Is your spouse reduced to clear, does your friend need a special offer or are you ready for a buy-one-get-one-free promotion?

An interactive walkabout from Swank that is a must for shopping centres and busy high streets.


Ask us a question, we'd love to chat!

Price Check

by Swank

Performance Styles

  • Walkabouts

Act Info

  • Fabulous for Food and Drink Festivals

'Swank were huge hits! They really helped create an incredibly special day for the kids and the feedback has been fantastic'

— Sally Atkins, Clear Channel Entertainment