The Mystic Mirror Globe is a magical world of mirrors that spin and crack open at the press of a button.

The globe is full of unique custom-made, interactive special effects. A wise mystic sits inside the mirror world quietly taking in her curious spectators, will she select you? She may beckon you for a closer look inside one of her magical handheld circus mirrors, transforming your features into curious shapes. 

For younger members of the audience the mirrors are playful, contorting features mischievously. For adults you're invited to observe and think a little deeper about how we look at ourselves. 

Will you be given an ancient scroll to read, presenting different proverbs that are thought provoking and heart warming, with little tinge of mystery of course?

After dusk the illuminations inside the Mystic Mirror Globe are spectacular. Lighting effects set the scene and bounce off the mirrors. These effects will change with a big button pressed by the public, triggering all the mirrors to spin. 


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Mystic Mirror Globe

by The Show Globe

Performance Styles

  • Illuminated
  • Walkabouts

Act Info

  • Perfect for Parades
  • Suitable for Science Festivals
  • Street Theatre